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Saturday 7 November 2015

Gudetama at Disneyland

It was a cold and wet autumn day in Portsmouth at the Tofu Cute shop and Gudetama was bored (as usual). 
He longed for adventure. He wanted to see what magical wonders the world had to offer..
He felt a little sleepy so he closed his eyes and imagined..........

Suddenly the sound of singing filled the air. Gudetama felt as though he were moving. 
He opened his eyes and looked to his right with surprise and joy. For low and behold was a ticket.. a ticket to Disney Land Paris! Gudetama was so excited he could hardly contain himself.

He was on his way to Disney Land, surrounded by all his Tofu Friends~

As they drew close Gudetama knew this was going to be a wonderful trip. 
Even though he was only a little egg known for his overall disinterest in many things, he couldn't resist the magic of Disney!

Gudetama asked to use the moving walkway as he wanted to get to the parks as quickly as possible and with only his little legs to carry him, he knew it would take too long! And he just couldn't wait.

He was finally here! Once Gudetama got inside the park, he realised it was decorated in a Halloween theme, with spooky sounds, ghastly ghosts and petrifying pumpkins! 

Gudetama was so taken aback that he needed to sit down and have a bite to eat, but to his amazement even the food was spooky and cute! He had a doughnut that was decorated in orange icing and tiny sugar bats with a little chocolate badge that had a pumpkin on. Halloween at Disney was truly magical he thought to himself~ 

The girls from Tofu Cute were so excited as well and couldn't resist a photograph in front of the iconic Disney castle. The weather was perfect too~  

They walked around Alice's Curious Labyrinth and made their way to the top of the Queen of Hearts Castle! There they had a lovely view of the park as the sun set. 

What a day! They headed off to get some food. Gudetama met up with his cousin and their friend who reminded Gudetama a lot of his friend back in Japan: Kirimi.
Unfortunately they didn't stay very long.

Gudetama was very thirsty and tried to have a drink from a particularly fancy glass. It didn't go too well and Gudetama swore to stick to his own range of Gudetama cups from that moment on. Gudetama asked his friends at Tofu Cute to stock his Gudetama cups in the future as he didn't want this to happen to any of his friends around the world~ The Tofu Cute team said they would try their best!

The next day Gudetama was very tired so he asked his friend Wee-Chan to help him out and carry him along with her other Amuse Loppy Poteusa friends.  

Gudetama couldn't wait to get going but paused for a quick photograph in front of the main Disney Land Hotel because it was so cute and grand. 

Gudetama wanted to know how Disney managed to be so wonderful?!
So he hopped aboard the Studio Tram Tour to see what really was 'Behind the Magic.'
He was very excited as he had never been on a tram before. 

Gudetama didn't realise there was a special effects demonstration halfway around and got very wet. Luckily there was also a huge fiery explosion demonstration which dried him off. Needless to say, he was rather distressed! Gudetama said it was scarier than the haunted house.

Next they went to meet some of the Disney Characters. Gudetama clung to Wee-chan when they met Jafar as he was too scary for him.  

The Tofu Cute team wanted a group photo so Gudetama offered to take a few for them. It was a little tricky with his tiny arms, but the pictures turned out great.

Next up was the main Disney Parade~ Gudetama couldn't wait for it to start. He was most looking forward to seeing the beautiful Princesses.

Riv-chan was most excited to see Princess Elsa so Gudetama took a quick photo as the float neared.

The trip was coming to a close and so the Tofu Cute girls did some shopping.
Gudetama didn't know what to do as nothing was in Japnese Yen and he had forgot to bring his Euros.
 Luckily Bobbu-chan bought Gudetama a few 
souvoniers to take back to Portsmouth. 

It was nearly time to go home and everyone was very sad. They didn't want to leave! It had been a wonderful relaxing break away from all of the usual hard work.

It was as if the clock was striking midnight.
Gudetama looked around to see to see a shower of glitter fill the air along with the sound of tinkling bells. Everything went dark. 
Gudetama closed his eyes tight hoping that the sounds would go away.  

Slowly...he opened his eyes... and to his surprise he was in his bed at home...

Had he imagined the whole thing? He wasn't sure but he knew for sure that he wanted to go back again as soon as possible.

He closed his eyes and tried to relive the wonderful dream of Disney Land.

Now you know when Gudetama is trying to sleep and seems too lazy to wake up. It's because he's trying very hard to get back to his Disney Land dreamland with all of his friends... ♥

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